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I've had the pleasure on working (some one-offs, some several times)
with the following artists:
Currently touring with:
◆ Christopher - FOH sound
◆ MØ - Monitor sound
◆ JADA - Monitor sound
◆ Aksglæde - FOH & monitor sound
◆ Andreas Odbjerg - FOH & monitor sound
◆ Aphyxion - FOH & monitor sound (dep.)
◆ Arlo Parks - FOH sound (dep.)
◆ Bathsheba - Broadcast & monitor sound (dep.)
◆ Chorus Grant - FOH & monitor sound (dep.)
◆ Christopher - TV/Radio Live Broadcast sound
◆ Christopher - FOH sound & monitor sound (100+ shows)
◆ Clara - Monitor sound (local mix engineer)
◆ Counterparts - FOH & monitor sound (local mix engineer)
◆ Carl Knast - Broadcast & monitor sound
◆ Cashmere Cat - Monitor sound (20+ shows)
◆ Cashmere Cat feat. Tory Lanez & Major Lazer - Monitor sound
◆ Daniel Schulz - FOH & monitor sound
◆ Drew Sycamore - FOH sound (dep.)
◆ Dúné - FOH & monitor sound (10+ shows)
◆ Emil Kruse - FOH & monitor sound (dep.)
◆ Fabräk - FOH & monitor sound (dep.)
◆ Fever Ray - Monitor sound (dep.)
◆ FRAADS - Monitor sound (local mix engineer)
◆ GOBS - FOH & monitor sound (dep.)
◆ GOSS - FOH & monitor sound (20+ shows)
◆ Hasan Shah - FOH & monitor sound (dep.)
◆ H.E.R.O. - FOH & monitor sound
◆ ICEKIID - Monitor sound (local mix engineer)
◆ Ida Laurberg - FOH & monitor sound
◆ Isam B - Broadcast & monitor sound (local mix engineer)
◆ Ivan$ito - FOH & monitor sound (dep.)
◆ JADA - FOH sound (dep.)
◆ JADA - Monitor sound
◆ Jeppesen - FOH & monitor sound (10+ shows)
◆ Johnny DeLuxe - FOH & monitor sound (20+ shows)
◆ Jung - FOH sound (dep.)
◆ Jung - Monitor sound
◆ Kærligheden - Monitor Sound (local mix engineer)
◆ Lars Top-Galia & Christian Lemmerz, Eyescape - FOH sound (dep.)
◆ Liberty - FOH & monitor sound (10+ shows)
◆ Lord Siva - FOH & monitor sound (dep.)
◆ LSD on CIA - FOH & monitor sound
◆ Lukas Graham - Recording & monitor sound (dep.)
◆ Mads Langer - Monitor Sound (local mix engineer)
◆ Mathilde Falch - FOH & monitor sound
◆ Mattis - FOH & monitor sound
◆ Mercedess - FOH & monitor sound (dep.)
◆ Mercyfox - FOH & monitor sound
◆ MONTI - FOH & monitor sound
◆ Moses: Andreas - FOH & monitor sound
◆ MØ - Monitor sound (300+ shows)
◆ MØ - FOH & monitor sound (20+ shows)
◆ MØ - TV/Radio Live Broadcast sound
◆ Nicklas Sahl - Broadcast & monitor sound (local mix engineer)
◆ Off Bloom - FOH & monitor sound (dep.)
◆ Pil - Monitor Sound (local mix engineer)
◆ Raunchy - FOH & monitor sound
◆ RoseeLu - FOH & monitor sound
◆ Ruined - FOH & monitor sound (local mix engineer)
◆ Saveus - FOH sound (dep.)
◆ Scarlet Pleasure - FOH & monitor sound (50+ shows)
◆ Scarlet Pleasure - Monitor sound (20+ shows)
◆ Soleima - FOH & monitor sound (dep.)
◆ Sjakket - FOH & monitor sound
◆ Stu Larsen - FOH & monitor sound (local mix engineer)
◆ The Great Dictators - FOH & monitor sound
◆ Tobias Rahim - Monitor sound (10+ shows)
◆ Tudsegammelt - FOH & monitor sound (10+ shows)
◆ TV-2 - Monitor sound (dep.)
◆ Uffe Lorenzo Woodrose - FOH & monitor sound (local mix engineer)
◆ Vera - FOH & monitor sound
◆ Zar Paulo - FOH sound (dep.)
... and many more!
Venues & Festivals:
◆ Musik I Lejet 2014 - Main Stage (local engineer)
◆ Roskilde Festival 2014 - Street City Stage (local FOH engineer)
◆ Roskilde Festival 2015 - Roskilde Rising Stage (local monitor engineer)
◆ Spot! Festival 2014 - SCC Stage (local engineer)
◆ Vanguard Music Festival 2014 - Main Stage (local engineer)
◆ VEGA, Copenhagen 2019 (local engineer)
◆ Sony Music Label Showcase, Copenhagen 2019 (local monitor engineer)
◆ Warner Music Label Showcase, Copenhagen 2021 (local FOH engineer)
◆ Red Cross Fundraising Galla 2025 (local monitor engineer)
... and many more!

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